ITAD – IT Assets Disposition

ITAD (IT Asset Disposition) is a critical process in the management of IT assets within an organization’s lifecycle. It involves the secure, environmentally responsible, and economically viable disposal or repurposing of outdated or end-of-life IT equipment.

GRKMS Process includes:-

Data Sanitization and Destruction: GRKMS ensuring that all data stored on IT assets is securely and permanently erased or destroyed to prevent data breaches.

Disassembly and Component Recovery: GRKMS facility disassembles the electronic devices to separate recyclable materials, such as metals (copper, aluminum), plastics, glass, and circuit boards. Valuable or hazardous materials are extracted for proper treatment and disposal.

Asset Tracking: GRKMS maintaining detailed records of IT assets throughout their lifecycle, from procurement to disposal.

Compliance and Regulations: GRKMS adhere to data privacy regulations and environmental laws governing the disposal of IT assets, such as NIST- 800- 88R, GDPR, HIPAA, and local e-waste regulation.

Reuse and Repurposing: GRKMS exploring opportunities to reuse or repurpose IT assets within the organization before disposal.

Certifications: GRKMS partnering with ITAD service providers that have relevant certifications like R2V3, Certificate of Disposal, Certificate of Destruction and Certificate of Recycling to ensure responsible handling of electronic waste.

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